Saturday 3 October 2009

The Street Task...3 images of 'Something and Nothing'

Here is the first 1/3 of the Street Project, Here are 3 images of 'something and nothing.' I have linked these three images together because they are all discarded items I found in my street, I also re-coloured them in black and white so that it would give the effect that they are alone and no one wants them any more.

A lost toy on a wall

A leaf suspended in mid air
(I zoomed in on this so the background was out of focus, making the image sharper)

An empty packet of cigarets dropped onto the side of the road

However, the task was to find three images which I did, and as I was walking back home I stumbled across a man on his own sitting on a tree, reading a book, by the side of the road, and as soon as I saw him I related him to those disregarded objects by the side of the road. (I did try and play with the shutter speed as I wanted him to be in focus and the cars going past to be a blur, however, everything ended up being under exposed, the picture would turn out white.)