Tuesday 18 May 2010


What could be improved: looking back over my final outcome there are still some parts I would like to change, e.g. I had to alternate the storyboard of the piece because the main character and the crowds were photographed separately, so I couldn't used the view of looking out from behind the clown on the stage, as the seats would have been empty.

Due to timing, finding a time to photograph this was very limited (AS/A-Level drama and dance exams were on)and I had to fit shooting into a lunch time, a break time and periods 3&4, and unfortunately this meant the drama students weren't available to be the audience in this animation, and hence why I changed the storyboard.

Also, I felt it was unnecessary to shoot the character from outside the theatre (entering and exiting) as it worked better with the shooting solely in the theatre, as the storyline is easier to understand as it's all in one place.

My final criticism of the animation is that there are some parts in it which I would like to slow down the frames per second (FPS) i.e. when the crowd is filling up, clapping or when the face paint is being applied. However, Flash will only let me set one frame rate for the whole animation.

Despite the negatives, I feel this is a creative response to my stories task idea and I feel I have improved from my exam final piece, as this animation was a lot harder to shoot and there were a lot more jobs and people to find and organise it all than the last piece (as it was mostly done at home with myself as the character.)

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